Benefits Services

Persons with disabilities may have some difficulty identifying and understanding what benefits they may qualify for and how to apply. Our staff is here to help make sense of the jargon, obtain corresponding forms, and assist in applying for benefits.

All SVILC staff are aware that many of our community members need tapping into available benefits programs. Because we assist you in applying for benefits, we may request personal information to submit along with your application forms.

If you have been denied for benefits and would like to begin appealing, our staff are here to provide support and coaching.  Some benefits program may include:

  • Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • CalFresh (formerly SNAP/Food Stamps)
  • Medi-Cal and Medicare
  • In-Home Supportive Services
  • Social Security Ticket to Work program
  • CA Department of Rehabilitation Vocational Services