Annual Peoples’ Thanksgiving Luncheon

Our annual event is back! Enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving feast of turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetables, rolls, and pie with SVILC staff, Board, consumers, and friends!
Every year Silicon Valley Independent Living Center hosts a Thanksgiving event to bring together our community over a hot meal. We break bread, give a toast, and share what we are most thankful for while creating lasting friendships.
We used to have an annual Thanksgiving Luncheon for all the cooking class consumers years ago. About 17 years ago, SVILC expanded it to the “Peoples Thanksgiving” so more consumers and community members who may not have had the opportunity to celebrate the holiday with family could do so with SVILC and each other as their family. We’ve kept the tradition ever since.
We’d like to thank you for joining us for this special event and are happy to see and join you for a hot meal, music, and fun.
Volunteers and Donations are welcome.
To learn more, or to RSVP, please continue to our Workshops and Events Calendar.